Our specialists are able to assume the project management for large power systems projects - rehabilitation or greenfield - with main focus for power installations up to 400 kV voltage level. Selectra provides project management as a stand-alone service, or as part of a turn-key project contract.
Our specialists are able to assume the project management for large power systems projects – rehabilitation or greenfield – with main focus for power installations up to 400 kV voltage level. Selectra provides project management as a stand-alone service, or as part of a turn-key project contract.
The high capability to understand the projects’ requirements, the markets’ rules and the clients’ businesses, the very good knowledge of relevant providers of equipment, services and civil works, combined with the internal engineering expertise, qualify Selectra as one of the most reliable general contractors for turn-key projects in the power sector.
Siemens, ABB, Landis+Gyr, Verbund, OMV Petrom, Transelectrica, Hidroelectrica.
Our role:
Client: Transelectrica | Project co-financed by: World Bank | Contractor: Siemens Austria